Massage Therapy
Therapeutic Massage is also known as Massage Therapy. Our Registered Massage Therapists can assist you with the different challenges in life. Massage Therapy can help relieve stress, muscle pain, injuries and more. Your body functions so much better when you are in top condition.
Sports injuries, household accidents, repetitive actions on the job and tension from everyday stresses can all cause problems that, too often, take up permanent residence in patients’ bodies. Therapeutic Massage can help.
Therapeutic Massage can relieve pain, and in combination with other appropriate health care measures, can help heal certain conditions and prevent their return. Our Therapists are continually upgrading their skills and learning different techniques to better assist our patients.
Massage Therapy can help with:
What is the Myofascial Cupping Technique™?
The Myofascial Cupping Technique™ was developed by David Sheehan in 2002. It involves the gliding of negatively pressurized cups over the body with the assistance of massage cream and can be accompanied by joint mobilization.
It is a very different technique to traditional cupping and importantly, marking the skin is NOT part of the desired treatment outcome. It also should be performed at a pressure level that is almost painless to the client.
How is it different to other massage techniques?
Unlike all other massage techniques that use compression, the Myofascial Cupping Technique™ is unique in that it ‘lifts and separates’ soft tissue, known as negative or tensional pressure. This in turn can increase nutrient-rich blood supply to the tissue, while giving a gentle passive stretch to the underlying soft tissue.
Benefits from the Myofascial Cupping Technique™
The Myofascial Cupping Technique™ can provide profound benefits, particularly with assisting the body in maintaining Range Of Motion, eliminating Myofascial Trigger Points and reducing restrictive and sometimes painful fascial adhesions commonly found from repetitive movement originating from sports and the workplace. By reducing fascial adhesions, while encouraging optimal hydration levels of soft tissue, the Myofascial Cupping Technique™ can assist in reducing the incidence of injury and maintaining functional soft tissue.
What is Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT)?
LDT is a hands-on method of lymphatic drainage developed by Bruno Chikly, MD, DO, LMT. It is a gentle technique that works through the body’s interstitial and lymphatic system to activate the body’s liquid circulation and parasympathetic nervous systems.
LDT practitioners use their hands to assess and enhance overall circulation as well as determine the best alternate pathways for draining stagnant body fluid. Therapists work with flat hands, using all the fingers to simulate gentle, specific wave-like movements. These subtle manual maneuvers stimulate your lymph and body fluids.
Applications and Indications of LDT
- Allergies – chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, hay fever.
- Dentistry – tooth pain, extraction, root canal, orthodontic surgery.
- Dermatology – acne, rosacea, chronic and allergic eczema.
- Ear, nose, and throat – tinnitus, vertigo, hearing loss, sinusitis, low salivation, dry eyes.
- Esthetic – wrinkles, skin complexion, “bags” under eyes.
- Gastroenterology – chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease.
- Gynecology – painful menstruation, pregnancy, breast feeding.
- Immunity – Increased lymph flow carries more antigens to the lymph nodes.
- Metabolic – fatigue, fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, detoxification.
- Neurology – headaches/migraines, concussions.
- Orthopedics and osteopathy – trauma, sprain, dislocation, fracture, whiplash.
- Reduce pain – alleviating tissue-fluid stagnation.
- Rheumatology – arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis, tendonitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel.
- Sports – improve condition of muscles before and after a sporting event, muscle spasm.
- Stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system – stress, depression and sleeping disorders.
- Surgery – prepares the tissue for intervention, drains the tissue, clears the lymph pathways before the post-surgical edema. Post surgery, scars, burns.
If the following apply to you, LDT cannot be applied at this time:
- Severe congestive heart failure.
- Blood supply issues, including blood clots.
- Acute fever or infection.
- Uncontrolled cancer, including lymph node removal and/or radiation to tissues.
- Active bleeding, internally and/or externally.
- Issues with urination. Client MUST be able to void their bladder.
About Osteopathy
Manual Osteopathic Therapy is the practice of identifying and REVERSING mechanical shifts and physiological interferences that occurs in the body over time. It’s a system of therapeutics in which “natural forces” are utilized for healing.
Osteopathic medicine is a philosophy, a science and an art, and it aims at restoring balance within the body and incorporates multi‑disciplinary technique. Under the umbrella of Manual Osteopathic therapy, you will find Craniosacral therapy, Visceral manipulation, Fascia remodeling, Osteoarticulations and Lymph drainage. In conjunction with the above listed modality techniques, MET (muscle energy technique) and muscle stretching often takes part of the treatment to create a full all‑rounded specialized treatment.
The above‑mentioned modalities are strategically used in conjunction or on their own to provide clients with a whole rounded treatment.
Also, each treatment is specifically designed and altered to client needs to promote and restore balance within and allow natural healing.